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A thick-furred tom with dark brown fur and black eyes.


Clan: LakeClan


Age: 31 moons


Gender: Male


Role: Warrior



Thistlepelt is a very thoughtful and creative cat. He thinks of others. Despite being all around very nice and smart, he struggles to bring up things that bother him to cats, and he has had issues with being too shy to make friends in the past. He is quite insecure about fitting in and being able to socialise. 


Strengths + Weaknesses:

Strengths: Empathy, thoughtfulness, creativity.

Weaknesses: Shyness, doesn't speak up.



Kit: Max

Apprentice: N/A

Warrior: Max



Mentor: N/A

Apprentice: N/A



Parents: ??, ??

Mate: N/A

Best Friend: N/A

Kits: N/A




Thistlepelt, or rather Max when he was a kittypet, was taken in by a farmer from the streets when he was a kitten. He was raised alongside various other farm animals as the farm cat but struggled to make any friends due to the species difference. Being the only cat on the farm with no parents, he was always a bit bored of living on a farm and was lonely, wanting to seek out other cats. Though he was allowed out of the property on his own out of trust that he'd always come back, Thistlepelt never managed to find friends until he wandered into LakeClan territory and Seastar found him. She offered him a place in the Clan, and he enthusiastically accepted. 

thistlepelt pers.PNG
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