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A fluffy she-cat with pitch black fur, a white tail tip, and strong blue eyes.


Clan: LakeClan


Age: 32 moons


Gender: Female


Role: Warrior



Coalshadow defines herself primarily by her strong set of morals, her ability to make decisions, and her knack for combat. She is quite non-confrontational, and hates arguments, but can certainly settle one. However moral she is, she struggles a lot with bouncing back from a lot of things and tends to hold onto bad experiences.


Strengths + Weaknesses:

Strengths: Strong morality, decisiveness, fighting skill.

Weaknesses: Resilience, fear of confrontation.



Kit: Coal

Apprentice: N/A

Warrior: Coal/Coalshadow



Mentor: N/A

Apprentice: N/A



Parents: Dusk, Ralph

Mate: N/A

Best Friend: Hawkwing

Kits: N/A




Coalshadow was born to her parents Dusk and Ralph as a shelter kitten by accident. Life in a shelter was not ideal, but she found a lot of comfort in her loving parents, who both stuck by until she left. She had another littermate, Willow, who was adopted only a few weeks after she was born. Coal was left in the shelter for months, never being adopted. Sadly, her mother, too, was adopted when she was around 3 moons old and was left with just her father Ralph. After so long, Coal got very sick of living in the same small room she'd been in since she was born, and was desperate to see outside of it. When she was roughly 10 moons old, she realized what would most likely happen to her soon, as she'd seen happen to so many other cats there when they'd been taking up room for too long. However, she was lucky to have been adopted by a Twoleg not long after but hated it. She knew she wasn't cut out for life with Twolegs, and instead wanted to be around a family of her own. So, a few days after she was taken out of the shelter, she squeezed her way out of the metal fence surrounding the Twoleg's house and ran off into the woods. She found a cozy place not far away and settled down. She lived there for many moons, scavenging for food and hunting sometimes. Years later, a stray came into her territory who called himself Hawk, and they became two peas in a pod. Not too long after, she and Hawk were found by Seastar and Oaksplash, and then joined LakeClan.


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